Do you want to live free of neck pain?
I explain to you how I can help you during a free telephone session
Do you want to be free of neck pain, but …
You think there is no solution because the doctors have said that you have to learn to live with it.
Are you afraid that you will feel more pain after the treatment
You don’t let anyone come to your neck, because you can only tolerate gentle touch on your neck.
Request a 30-minute free telephone session and find out which steps you can take to get rid of your neck pain. PAY ATTENTION! this is a temporary promotion that I offer in March. There is a limited number of places free, so be quick!
I can imagine that if your neck pain is a result of a traumatic event, it is difficult for you to trust someone.
You can relax your neck with gentle touch and deep rest
I work with cranio sacral therapy, massage and foot reflexology.
Through the gentle touch and the deep relaxation I create a confidential bond with my clients.
The deep relaxation that happens through the treatments strengthens the self healing process and ensures a fast and prolonged healing.
I have treated neck pain with good results, regardless of the condition and cause of the neck pain.
You are cordially invited to ask all your questions during the telephone session.
Request your session directly:
As soon as I have received your request, I will contact you to schedule a date and time with you.